For more information about the organisation, please visit their website or FB.

AY - Asociacija Aktyvus Jaunimas

Active Youth Association (AY) is a Lithuania-based non-governmental organisation that brings together young leaders, thinkers, and doers on a mission to create opportunities for youth and long-term positive impact in how we treat our planet, health, and vulnerable people. Active Youth Association, with the vision of being at the forefront of organisations creating an inclusive and sustainable life for communities worldwide, provides:
  • Non-formal education, events, youth exchanges, and training courses;
  • Opportunities to gain skills and competencies, volunteer, and travel the world;
  • Social gatherings; 
  • Information on sustainability, health, and human rights; 
  • A safe environment for personal and professional development. 
 AY has been actively involved in local and international (youth) projects since its inception. Until now, the organisation has successfully implemented (with only the highest evaluator scores) more than 25 separate project actions on its own (and several times that as a partner). Furthermore, the NGO has established a large partnership network throughout Europe (more than 500 organizations), which allows for efficient knowledge and best practices sharing and dissemination of projects' results    