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FTM - Fairy Tale Museum

  “Fairytales travel in time, overseas and across countries, carrying timeless and universal values from generation to generation. At the Fairy Tale Museum in the heart of Cyprus, these stories and legends meet.”  

The Fairy Tale Museum of Cyprus, was built to give people an introduction into the immersive world of reading and it mainly aims to preserve and disseminate the cultural heritage which includes fairy tales, legends, myths and traditions from Cyprus and Greece, and to promote the universality of fairy tales and the acquaintance of other cultures through their tales.

The museum axis rotates around the main characteristics of the fairy tales (deterioration of time, climax fluctuations, universality) and expresses them three-dimensionally, playing with these elements and developing innovatively the idea of the magic library. Regular and themed exhibitions, storytelling events and featured events for authors and illustrators take place across the museum, but the main features are the educational programs as well as the workshops for children, families, schools and everyone who loves the world of fairy tales and narration.    